

Please click on a link below to go directly to that vote:


     Third Reading (RCS# 1324)







                            THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE                       

                               2nd Regular Session                          

                                53rd Legislature                            




    HOUSE BILL 2991            [Public health and safety; State Government  

    Treat                      Vital Statistics Modernization Act]          


    Third Reading                                                            


         YEAS:   43                                                 RCS# 1324

         NAYS:    0                                                 4/16/2012

         EXC :    5                                                   3:10 PM

         N/V :    0                                                         



    YEAS:   43


    Aldridge          Childers          Holt              Paddack          

    Allen             Coates            Ivester           Russell          

    Anderson          Crain             Johnson, C.       Schulz           

    Ballenger         David             Johnson, R.       Shortey          

    Barrington        Eason-McIntyre    Jolley            Simpson          

    Bass              Ellis             Justice           Sparks           

    Branan            Fields            Laster            Stanislawski     

    Brecheen          Ford              Lerblance         Sykes             

    Brinkley          Garrison          Mazzei            Treat            

    Brown             Griffin           McAffrey          Wilson           

    Burrage           Halligan          Newberry         



    NAYS:    0



    EXCUSED:    5


    Adelson           Marlatt           Wyrick           

    Bingman           Nichols          



    NOT VOTING:    0

                                                              HOUSE BILL 2991           





